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1 Dad, 2 Babies

There's an important bond between dads and their babies, it takes time, patience and support.  I've enlisted my husband, soon-to-be dad of twins and a toddler to provide some insight here.


For a little while, in the beginning, its actually a bit difficult to establish a bond with your baby. The bond's immediately there with mommy because she carried her in her tummy for nine months and there's naturally an instant connection. But with dad, it's a bit less physiological and psychological. Sure, you feel connected the moment the l'il one arrives in the world, but not on the same level as mom.

But there are ways to build the bond. Things like tube feeding the baby until mommy and baby get in sync with breastfeeding. Or how about giving the baths, changing most of the diapers, singing and reading bedtime stories. Anything that establishes some skin-to-skin contact, burping after nursing, snuggling baby in the baby carrier (mama kangaroo for us) or has dad in a regular role and routine with baby early will help to build the bond early and make it stronger as the days, months and years go on.

Resources recommended by a dad (my husband):

Dad's Guide to Twins

Twin Pregnancy - a dad's perspective

UK Twins - Tips for Dad

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