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What do you mean...two?!

Typically we mamas get the news that we're having twins lying on the table during our first ultrasound.  Some people may have other signs where the can guess that there are more than increased symptoms (some don't have any at all), bigger in size than normal for first trimester (however many women grow and carry uniquely), etc.  Some may at first learn about it at an early (pre-ultrasound) family doc/midwife/OB appointment where two heartbeats are heard using the doppler (some may not pick it up that soon though).  Regardless of when you find out, when you officially find out from one of your health care providers, you are likely to bombarded by a barrage of information...mostly likely starting with what type of twins you're having...

I've come to understand this better by likening it to types of dwellings the babies are in during pregnancy.

Finding out there's more than one

Types of Twins


Most Common - Detached House

​Fraternal Twins

Fraternal twins (Di-Di) are non-identical twins that form when two eggs are fertilized by two sperm.  These sets of twins have their own amniotic sac and their own placenta.  Instances of fraternal twins are said to be hereditary where some women drop more than one egg during ovulation.  Some other instances could be due to fertility treatments.

Semi-Detached House
Mono-Di Twins​

Mono-Di Twins are the second most common type of twins, formed when one egg is fertilized by one sperm but then splits soon after; usually Mono-Di twins are identical twins, either boy-boy or girl-girl.  These twins have their own amniotic sac, but share a placenta.  Complications with this type of twin set include twin-to-twin transfusion.  And you're likely to be seen more frequently by your health care professionals.

Bachelor Pad - Roommates
Mono-Mono Twins

Mono-Mono Twins are less common and occur when one egg is fertilized but splits later on.  When this happens, there is one shared placenta and one shared sac.  These twins are always identical boy-boy and girl-girl.  There are more complications to look out for when this type of twinning occurs. And you will be followed very closely by your health care professionals.

2010 - present

2010 - present

Find out more

The information provided on this page is just a summary of the research I've done on my own and learned from others regarding having twins, please follow the links provided for more thorough information.

Don't forget to check out the Resources for Mama and Papas page for more resources on where to get more information on having and raising twins.

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