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Twins are Home - Know Your Support Options

Two babies, two parents seems fair, but you will still need all the support you can get.


Whether you are a single parent or a couple bringing home the twins.  You will still need extra support, especially if you have other young children at home.  

First off, if you are breastfeeding, be sure to know who you can turn to with questions, who you can call in for education and challenges.  Some of the supports I found helpful during this time were:

  • Public Health Breastfeeding Clinic Nurses
  • Breastfeeding support group at my hospital
  • Friends who were successful at nursing their babies
  • My awesome husband who read, attended clinics and helped me through the tough times
  • Reading about successful nursing stories in books and online


Aside from your primary responsibility of the twin's daily care, you will need some extra help around the house with cooking, cleaning, keeping your other kids on schedule, etc.

Here are some ways people helped us in the past:

  • People dropped of ready-made meals we could have right away or pop in the freezer
  • Family helped out with household chores a couple times a week for the first couple weeks
  • Family offered relief time, so my husband and I could take a walk even if it was just 20 mins.
  • My husband was in charge of the visitor schedule and would keep people entertained if I was breastfeeding, or not feeling up for the visit at the time
  • Friends who had babies offered time to talk either in person or on the phone for emotional support
  • Neighbours and local kids offered help with yard work (if there are no offers, don't be shy to put offers out there to pay for some quick help)

Whatever help and support you come across, don't be shy to accept or ask, and don't be afraid to set the boundaries you need to as well to keep your sanity.

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